Pickleball clinics are a great opportunity to strengthen and develop techniques and skills, while learning from an experienced instructor.
Michael Robinson - Has taught Pickleball for 47 years introducing Pickleball to elementary and secondary school students, teachers and adults of all ages. Placed 8th in 2015 Mens Sinles OPEN Eastern Canadian Championships.
Adam Eatock - Adam is a 5.0 rated player who has participated and won many tournaments throughout North America. He is born and raised in St. Catharines Ontario, and turned pro in 2020.
Beginner Clinic
Level of Play: Beginner - 2.5 (new to 3 months of experience)
This clinic will cover: Intro and History of the Sport; Basic Doubles positioning and strategy; Basic servicing and return of serve; Basic dinking, volley, half volley and smash techniques with footwork; Basic forehand and backhand ground stroke techniques (one and Two Handed).
Intermediate Clinic
Level of Play: Intermediate (3.0-3.5)
This clinic will focus on consistence and Topspin techniques by covering: Intro to grip changes and technique for use of topspin; Serving: Intro to spin, power and depth; Court positioning and doubles strategy; Return of serve with spin and depth; Third shot/fifth shot strategy; Volley techniques with use of spin and depth strategy; Power smash technique and footwork; Recovery mid court skills; Ground stroke development through spin and power.
Experienced Clinic
Level of Play: Experienced (4.0+)
This clinic will focus on power, depth and placement strategy by covering: Serving with power and depth; Return of serve with spin and depth; Volley with power, topspin and depth; Intro to doubles positioning/stacking strategies; singles skills for competitive players.
Upcoming Clinics:
Beginner clinic - March 11th, 2025 2:45pm - 4:45pm
Intermediate clinic - March 18th, 2025 2:45pm - 4:45pm
Intermediate clinic - March 25th, 2025 2:45pm - 4:45pm
Click here to register!