The Committee of Adjustment (“CofA”) is a statutory tribunal under the provisions of the Planning Act, to hold public hearings for the purpose of making decisions with respect to applications for: Minor Variances to the Town’s Zoning By-law; Consents and Legal Non-Conforming Uses (enlargement/ extension/ similar use). The Committee operates independently from Council and its decisions may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (“OLT”).
Committee of Adjustment Webpage
Members for the four year term ending November 14, 2026 or until their successors are appointed: Brenda Stan, Colin McCann, Isaiah Banach, John Cappa, Sue Sarko
Staff Representative:
Sarah Conidi, Deputy Clerk / Secretary-Treasurer
Jodi Legros, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Should you wish to appear before the Committee of Adjustment and speak to an application on the agenda, please contact Sarah Conidi to pre-register no later than the Friday before the hearing. Alternatively, all hearings will be livestreamed.
Sarah Conidi, Deputy Clerk