Stopping, standing or parking a vehicle are prohibited in certain circumstances where signs are not required to be posted. Typical examples of restrictions you are expected to know as a driver are shown below:
Do not stop, stand or park a vehicle
- Facing the wrong way or against the direction of traffic flow
- On the roadway side of any stopped, standing or parked vehicle (no double parking, stopping or standing)
- On or partly on or over a sidewalk
- Within an intersection or crosswalk
- On any outer boulevard
- During the winter season at anytime during plowing, sanding or salting operations
Do not park a vehicle
- Within 10m (33ft) of an intersection
- Within 3m (10ft) on a fire hydrant
- On an inner boulevard
- In front of or within 1.5m (5ft) of a laneway or driveway or a curb-cut
- On either side of a roadway so as to obstruct a vehicle in the use of any laneway or driveway
- For the purpose of displaying such vehicle for sale or lease
- For the purpose of servicing or repairing a vehicle except for emergency
Stopping, Standing, Parking Prohibited - With Signs
Many stopping, standing and parking prohibitions are required to have signs posted in accordance with the by-law and Highway Traffic Act. The Town uses the "universal" signs for all such restrictions such as:
- No stopping, standing or parking areas designated in the by-law
- No stopping, standing or parking within 30m (98ft) of a crosswalk
- No stopping, standing or parking in areas within certain time limits
Each sign should be read carefully before leaving your vehicle. Take special note of any time restrictions and arrows which indicate the direction in which actual by-laws and applicable regulations for further information.
Copies of the Town's parking by-laws are available for review in Town Hall, at the two libraries and in the Community Policing Storefront office.