The plow operator may have difficulty finding the sidewalk or the edge of the road under a blanket of snow. Once a path is cleared, subsequent trips by the sidewalk plow are made easier.
If the sod was damaged during the early part of the season, then the damage may not be discovered until the snow melts.
Many homeowners will repair the damage in front of their property before the Town crews arrive. This is a tremendous help because Town staff typically does not tend to sod damage until late May when the ground is warm enough to allow for repairs.
Town staff will topsoil and seed areas where the plow has caused damage, however, it is the homeowner's responsibility to care for the area, once it has been seeded.
If your property is damaged by the sidewalk plow please contact the administrative assistant, public works, at 905-892-2607 x332 Damage to lawns and boulevards will be repaired in the spring.