Yes! Pelham has implemented several tools and strategies to regulate cannabis production within its boundaries and to respond to resident concerns about cannabis operations.
In October 2018, Pelham passed an interim control by-law that restricted all cannabis-related land use for one year so Pelham could review and develop its land use policies and regulations for cannabis-related land use. In September 2019, Pelham extended the interim control by-law to mid-July 2020.
In the spring of 2019, an advisory committee known as the Cannabis Control Committee (CCC) was formed to provide advice to Council in relation to land use impacts of cannabis production facilities in Pelham. The CCC completed its mandate in the fall of 2022 and delivered a closing memorandum to Council in August 2022.
In March 2020, Council passed By-law No. 4202 (2020), the Odorous Industries Nuisance By-law, which prohibited cannabis facilities from causing adverse effects or public nuisances as defined in the by-law. In early 2021, two cannabis producers filed court proceedings to quash the Odorous Industries Nuisance By-law, which are still pending. Pelham has continued to enforce this by-law while these proceedings are ongoing. In addition, Council has approved, in principle, a new Odour Management By-law that will replace the Odorous Industries Nuisance By-law and improve Pelham’s ability to respond to cannabis odour complaints. The new Odour Management By-law is expected to be in effect in late November 2024.
In July 2020, Council approved amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to regulate cannabis and industrial hemp cultivation in Pelham. The changes were intended to mitigate adverse effects associated with cannabis production, including odour, through setbacks and other land use controls. In April 2023, the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law came into effect and replaced the prior Zoning By-law. In July 2024, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law was amended to incorporate the cannabis zoning provisions and bring it into alignment with the Official Plan.
Pelham also has a Site Plan Control By-law that requires site plan control for indoor cannabis and industrial hemp uses.