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Council Meetings

Council Schedules and Calendars

View upcoming scheduled meetings, agendas, minutes and videos on the Council and Committee Meetings Calendar

To view the 2025 Council Meeting Schedule, click here
*Approved October 16, 2024.

To view the 2025 Budget Schedule, click here.

To view the 2024 Council Meeting Schedule, click here.
*Approved September 20, 2023

Procedural Bylaw No. 4507(2022)

Being a bylaw to govern the proceedings of the Town of Pelham Council, its Committees, the conduct of its Members and the calling of Meetings.

This bylaw was adopted on January 30, 2022, repealing and replacing Bylaw No. 4107(2019), as amended.

This bylaw directs regular meetings of Council to be held on the first and third Wednesday of the month, commencing at 9 am. Public Meetings under the Planning Act are to be scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, commencing at 5:30 pm. Dates are subject to change to accommodate various Statutory Holidays, World Religious Holidays, major conferences and other known events. Please refer to the Council Meeting Schedule for approved meeting dates.

Additional notable changes include a new curfew of 1 pm, restructuring of regular meetings of Council to include Committee within Council, hybrid meeting participation, increase of three (3) to four (4) delegations permitted with a five (5) minute time limit, re-classification of Committees to include Statutory, Advisory and Volunteer Working Groups, a delegation submission deadline of ten (10) days prior to the meeting and the requirement to post agendas to the public five (5) days prior to the date of the meeting, being the Friday.

Click here to view By-law 4507(2022)
Procedural By-law Amendment 41-2023

Delegation Request

In accordance with the Procedure By-law, Requests to Appear before Council shall be submitted in the prescribed form no later than 12:00 pm noon ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Delegations shall only be heard at regular meetings of Council. A maximum of four (4) delegations may be listed on the Agenda on a first-come, first-serve basis. Presentations are limited to 5 minutes.

Failure to provide the required information on time will result in a deferral or denial. 

Please submit your completed application to the Deputy Clerk, Sarah Conidi, via email 

Council Correspondence 

The Town of Pelham's Council Correspondence Policy ensures that all written communication addressed to Council is managed effectively and respectfully. This policy covers all forms of correspondence received by the Town for Council’s attention, including petitions and requests for agenda inclusion.

For more information, please refer to the full Council Correspondence Policy available below:

S201-19 Council Correspondence Policy

Petitions Addressed to Council

Petitions addressed to Council shall be processed in accordance with the Town of Pelham Procedural By-law.  Petitions shall be legibly written or printed and shall not contain any obscene or improper material or language, and shall be signed by at least one (1) person, and filed with the Clerk. Petitions will be included on a public agenda including any personal, identifiable information. Individual responses to persons included on a petition will not be issued unless specifically directed by Council. Please use the form of petition attached below:

Petition Form

If you have any questions about deputation protocol, please do not hesitate to contact the Acting Town Clerk, Sarah Leach at or 905-892-2607 x315.

Agendas, Minutes, and Videos 

View upcoming scheduled meetings on the Council and Committee Meetings Calendar.
This includes meeting agenda summaries, minutes, and videos.

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