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press release

Town of Pelham facilities to reopen July 6

Posted on June 26, 2020 03:05 PM

June 26, 2020

Pelham, ON – Town of Pelham facilities will reopen on Monday, July 6, 2020, following Public Health guidelines, safety standards, and best practices. Pelham's framework for reopening can be found at

When visiting Town facilities, the public will be asked to submit to a standardized screening test including having their temperature taken. Face coverings, when unable to physically distance, are required.

Before reopening, a variety...

press release

Pelham Transit returns to regular rates July 2

Posted on June 19, 2020 01:25 PM

June 19, 2020

Pelham, ON – Beginning Thursday, July 2, Pelham Transit rates will return to their normal fare of $3 per ride. The uPass, used by university and college students, will no longer be accepted as a form of payment.

Since March, riders have been asked not to interact with the farebox. As the Province enters Stage 2 of reopening, and the Town of Pelham loosens restrictions based on Provincial and Public Health recommendations, transit fares resume for transit trips.

press release

Pelham joins other Niagara municipalities in going virtual for Canada Day celebrations

Posted on June 19, 2020 01:21 PM


Pelham, ON – The Town of Pelham’s Facebook page is the place to be for residents in Pelham on Canada Day.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, annual public Canada Day celebrations such as the parade and fireworks show are cancelled. Town staff, instead, are preparing to deliver a crowd-pleasing virtual experience that includes: 

  • Yoga and Zumba
  • Mad Science and TikTok dance party
  • Trivia and Fun Facts
  • Performances from Pelham talent By Design and Copper & Iron

Pelham is also...


Council Highlights - June 15, 2020

Posted on June 18, 2020 01:11 PM

View the Council agenda

View the Council video

Cannabis Control Committee update

Tim Nohara, Chair of the Cannabis Control Committee (CCC), and Nick McDonald of Meridian Planning Consultants provided Council with an update on where the CCC is relative to their schedule of implementation of bylaws and proposed draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment. 

McDonald noted minor changes in both documents. 

View the delegation request and attached draft amendments

Report from Regional...

news and updates

Paving restoration: Haist Street and Welland Road

Posted on June 17, 2020 02:13 PM

The milling and repaving of top course asphalt as part of the works to replace the watermain on Haist Street and Welland Road will begin Thursday, June 18.

Single lane closures on these roads during the course of the works will occur and some delays are expected. The anticipated completion of the work is Friday, June 19. 

WHAT: Paving restorations of Haist St and Welland Road
WHERE: Haist St south of Welland Road, and Welland Road between Haist St and 200m west of Haist St
WHY: Road restoration...

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