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First Gypsy Moth spray scheduled for May 27

Posted on May 24, 2020 01:02 PM

The first application of the Gypsy Moth aerial spray program is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27. The time of the spray has not yet been determined, though it is usually at first light, and is likely to occur between 5:30-8:30 a.m.

The spray is completed with a twin-engine helicopter; residents can expect high audible levels as the helicopter completes its path.

Weather is the primary factor in the day and time of the spray. If the weather is not cooperative, the spray will not occur and the Town...

covid news update

COVID-19 financial impact forecast

Posted on May 22, 2020 12:47 PM

As a result of COVID-19, Pelham is forecasting a tax levy operating deficit of approximately $408,666 to the end of June, which could increase to approximately $849,820 by December 31, should the present situation remain unchanged until the end of the year.

The magnitude of the impact of COVID-19 on the Town of Pelham is not fully understood, however, the existing physical distancing measures and economic shut-down impacts have already been significant.

Since March 18, 2020, the federal government...


Council Highlights - May 19, 2020

Posted on May 21, 2020 03:48 PM

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COVID-19 Financial Impact Forecast

As a result of COVID-19, Pelham is forecasting a tax levy operating deficit of approximately $408,666 to the end of June as a result of COVID-19 which could increase to approximately $849,820 by December 31, should the present situation remain unchanged until the end of the year.

The magnitude of the impact of COVID-19 on the Town of Pelham is not fully understood, however the existing social distancing...

news and updates

Niagara Region removes curbside leaf and yard waste limits

Posted on May 21, 2020 12:50 PM

From Niagara Region

​Effective Monday, May 25, curbside leaf and yard waste limits will be removed for single-family homes and apartments with six units or less. As limits are removed, residents are asked to please be patient as there may be delays for the collection of leaf and yard waste. Ripped leaf and yard waste bags must still be re-bagged or placed in another container to ensure material can be collected.

May 25 to 29 is also the last week for curbside spring branch collection....

COVID-19 NEWS updated

Community Planning and Development services during COVID-19

Posted on May 21, 2020 09:17 AM

With the Province of Ontario’s announcement that all construction is permitted to resume, the Town of Pelham’s Department of Community Planning and Development can resume issuance of new building permits. This means an increase in construction around Town will be visible. Construction is an important component of the local economy in Niagara and Pelham Staff are proud to support our local economy during these difficult times. 

Previously, construction was allowed to continue only on sites that...

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