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Town of Pelham corporate communications plan wins Hermes Creative Awards gold

Posted on April 21, 2020 02:36 PM

April 21, 2020

Pelham, ON – The Town of Pelham’s corporate communications plan has been recognized by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) and awarded a Hermes Creative Awards Gold in the Public Relations/Communications Strategic Programs category.

Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing, and design of traditional and emerging media. The Awards recognize outstanding...

gypsy moth

Gypsy moth spray: what is Btk and what if you have health concerns?

Posted on April 21, 2020 12:26 PM

Concerns about the spray used to treat gypsy moth?

For residents who have health concerns with the spraying of Btk, please contact Christine Tonon, public works administrative assistant at or 905-892-2607 x332 to request placement on a priority call or email list that will be informed within 48-hours of the spray to make any arrangements necessary to vacate their property during the spray. 

What is Btk?

Bacillus thuringiensis (Btk) is the most common commercial product...

press release

Summer program registration open for wait list; start dates still undetermined

Posted on April 20, 2020 12:42 PM

April 20, 2020

Pelham, ON – The Town of Pelham’s camp and swim programs are open for waitlist registration, with spots being reserved at this time on a first come, first serve basis; program fees will not be collected at this time, but upon confirmation of program start dates.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent declaration of a State of Emergency by the Province and the Town of Pelham, municipal facilities remain closed until further notice, unable to accommodate...


Council meeting for April 20, 2020, postponed

Posted on April 20, 2020 12:36 PM

Please be advised that tonight's regularly scheduled Town of Pelham Council meeting has been postponed until Monday, April 27.

You can view the agenda when it becomes available at

news and updates

Request for Comments on Draft Cannabis Policies and Regulations

Posted on April 17, 2020 11:37 AM

Proposed Cannabis Policies and Regulations for the Town of Pelham

The Town of Pelham Cannabis Control Committee is requesting comments on its proposed amendments to the Official Plan (File no. OP-AM-01-19) and Zoning By-law (File no. AM-07-19) under Sections 22 and 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, with respect to cannabis production within the Town.

The Draft Official Plan Amendment proposes to:

  • Establish a cannabis overlay for lands designated Good General Agricultural where new cannabis and...

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