Code of Conduct and Complaint Process for Elected and Appointed Officials
If you believe the Code of Conduct for Elected and Appointed Officials has been violated, you can submit a complaint. The procedure for Complaints under this Code of Conduct shall be governed by the Advice, Complaint and Investigation Protocol.
Steps to Launch a Formal Complaint:
Step 1: Complete the Formal Complaint Form/Affidavit (Appendix 'A' to Policy S201-16)
- Complete the affidavit, including sections 1, 2 and 3;
- Please note, anonymous complaints will not be accepted;
- Do not sign the form until you are before a Commissioner of Oaths;
Clerk’s Department Staff may act as a Commissioner for this purpose.
Step 2: File the Affidavit directly to the Office of the Town Clerk;
If your Affidavit has already been sworn before a Commissioner of Oaths, bring the Affidavit and any supporting documentation to the Office of the Town Clerk. Complaints may be submitted by regular or registered mail, personal delivery, courier or e-mail. Where applicable, a Complaint shall be accompanied by the requisite filing fee prescribed by the Town's Fees and Charges By-law as adopted, amended or replaced from time to time;
If you require a Commissioner, bring the completed form, unsigned and unsealed, to the Office of the Town Clerk. Appointments are recommended 905 892-2607, ext. 315. Identification is required. There will be no fee for the Clerk to commission the document.
Step 3: Upon receipt of a Complaint and any applicable filing fee, the Town Clerk shall refer the matter to the Integrity Commissioner and shall provide the Integrity Commissioner with all materials submitted by the Complainant.
The Town Clerk and any other necessary individuals will maintain confidentiality.
Additional Documentation:
By-law #4439(2022) - Being a by-law to appoint an Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Pelham, and to set out the roles and responsibilities of the Integrity Commissioner.
The Agreement for Professional Services between the Town of Pelham and David G. Boghosian
By-law #4104(2019) - Being a by-law to adopt the Town of Pelham Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards.
Policy S201-15 - Code of Conduct for Elected and Appointed Officials
Policy S201-16 - Advice, Complaint and Investigation Protocol