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Pelham pitching in for a clean community

Posted on April 10, 2019 01:30 PM

April 10, 2019

Pelham, ON – The Town of Pelham is again issuing the challenge to students, businesses, and the broader community to participate in this year’s Pitch In Week.

A nationally recognized event, Pitch In Week runs from April 22-29, encouraging residents to participate in a variety of ways, helping to keep their communities and common spaces green and clean.

“An event like this really highlights the community spirit that exists in Pelham,” said Jodi Hendriks, culture and...

advsiory committee

Hospitality Committee looking for additional members

Posted on April 10, 2019 09:00 AM

The Town of Pelham is still seeking members to join the Meridian Community Centre Hospitality Advisory Committee. The committee is asked to look at how the Town might:

  • Understand the hospitality opportunities that have been created as a result of the opening of the Meridian Community Centre?
  • Inventory and recommend activities and policies that will govern the sale and handling of alcohol in the building?
  • Inventory opportunities and recommend activities and policies that will enhance and strengthen...

Pelham Council approves operating, capital, and water and wastewater budgets

Posted on April 09, 2019 09:00 AM

April 9, 2019

Pelham, ON – Pelham Town Council approved the 2019 operating, capital, and water and wastewater budgets, resulting in a 7.12 per cent tax increase after 2.01 per cent of new growth.

What this means to an average household assessed at $250,000 is an annual increase of $84.91 or $7.08/month; for $350,000 assessment the annual 2019 rate increase is $118.76 or $9.90/month; for $450,000 assessment the annual increase is $152.77 or $12.73/month.

The 2019 budget focuses on...

maplel street culvert repair government signage

Maple Street culvert repair funded entirely through gas tax

Posted on April 08, 2019 10:00 AM

The Maple Street Culvert repair project received $172,249 from the federal Gas Tax Fund in 2017.

The project, spanning from planning and design to the construction and completion, was completed in late 2018. An additional $195,446 was applied to the completed work, resulting in the project being 100 per cent funded by the federal Gas Tax Fund.

A commitment to safer and more efficient roads and bridges, the grant assisted in the replacement of two road crossing culverts on Maple Street between Kilman...

Road Closed


Posted on April 05, 2019 03:45 PM

WHEN: Monday April 8th to Friday April 19th

TIME: All day closure

WHERE: Mansfield Drive between Ker Crescent and Lampman Drive

WHY: Sanitary Sewer Replacement

DETOUR: Sandra Drive to Cherry Ridge Blvd to Lampman Drive

Access will be available to local traffic only.

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