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Posted on July 19, 2018 02:45 PM

We have been receiving many calls, concerns and enquiries in regards to the gypsy moth.  The greatest percentage of calls last year were in relation to the infestation near Hillcrest Park. After bringing this issue to Councils attention, we were provided budget and direction to spray only Hillcrest Park.  The spraying was completed utilizing a contractor in late May and consisted of two aerial treatments seven days apart. Though we are aware of the infestation and continue to monitor it,...

Summerfest2018 - Parking-Layout1

Parking information for Summerfest 2018

Posted on July 19, 2018 02:00 PM

Don't spend time looking for parking spots when you could be enjoying one of Ontario's Top-100 Festivals and Events: Summerfest!

Parking will be available at:

  • Holy Trinity Anglican Church - 1557 Pelham Street
  • Marlene Stewart Streit Park - 55 Park Lane
  • St. Alexander Church - 50 Pelham Town Square (after 6 p.m. July 21 and after 12 p.m. July 22)
  • St. Alexander School - 26 Highway 20 East
  • Fonthill United Church - 42 Church Hill
  • Municipal parking lots - 20 Pelham Town Square (Thursday and Friday only)


Summefest Road Closure Map

Notice of road closures during Summerfest

Posted on July 18, 2018 02:00 PM

Please be aware that, as part of the Summerfest celebrations, several road closures have been approved by Town Council, as outlined below, to allow for the safe set up of the street festival and street festival activities.

1. Pelham Town Square from the rear entrance to Fonthill Plaza to 60m west - closed to all vehicle traffic

effective Thursday, July 19 at 4:00 pm until 10:00 pm of the same day

2. Pelham Town Square entrance from Pelham Street to 50m east (under the Arches) - closed to all vehicle...

council 3 million

Meridian Community Centre capital fundraising campaign surpasses $3 million dollar goal

Posted on July 17, 2018 09:00 AM

July 17, 2018

Pelham, ON –The Town of Pelham has exceeded its fundraising goal of $3 million dollars for the Meridian Community Centre.

Announced at Pelham Town Council on July 16, the target was surpassed thanks to major and community gifts.

“The Town greatly appreciates the support from the community,” said Mayor Dave Augustyn. “It is heartwarming to see how citizens, community groups, and business leaders have come together to embrace this project. Council and I are thrilled...

Notice of road closure: Maple Street

Posted on July 13, 2018 03:30 PM

Road closure for Maple Street between Kilman Road and Sixteen Road. NO THROUGH TRAFFIC WILL BE PERMITTED. Local access only will be permitted from Kilman Road

Closure Dates: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 – Friday, August 10, 2018

Detour: Motorists are advised to utilize Balfour Street as the alternate route around the road closure.

Reason for Closure: Maple Street will be fully closed to facilitate the replacement of two road crossing culverts.

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