Council Highlights may be viewed on the council calendar here.
View the full agenda package for Council
The Town of Pelham regular council meeting was held on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the Pelham municipal building at 20 Pelham Town Hall. Video recording and live stream of the meeting can be viewed at
Watson & Associates – Recreation User Fee Review.
Council received a presentation from Sean-Michael Stephen of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. regarding a user fee review for Parks and Recreation in Pelham. Fees are typically set to recover less than full costs and costs that are not funded by the user fees are then supported by the municipal tax levy. A full review and comparison to other municipalities and the rates for both resident and non-resident fees were highlighted.
2025 User Fee and Charges Report
Council received Report #2025-0275 – 2025 User Fees and Charges Report and approved the amended User Fees and Charges. Council directed staff to prepare and present the amended 2025 User Fees and Charges By-law for consideration at the next regular meeting of Council.
Pelham Summerfest
Council received a presentation from Pelham Summerfest working group chair Bea Clark. Pelham Summerfest received for the 8th time a Festivals and Events Ontario award. Pelham Summerfest had record crowds in 2024 with exceptional weather over all four days, with the opener on Thursday, Friday country night, Saturday street festival and Sunday in Peace Park. New for the 2024 event was the Pelham Street Games, which had oversized games that were sponsored by local businesses. Ontario Cultural Attractions fund, through a grant, supported the increased elements at the event and the redevelopment of the Pelham Summerfest website. The 2025 Pelham Summerfest will take place July 17-20.
Proposed Development Charges By-law
Council received presentations from Stephen Kaiser from Kaiser and Associates Inc. and from Chuck McShane, CEO of the Niagara Home Builders Association, regarding the proposed development charges by-law.
Town of Pelham Development Charges By-law
Council approved By-law 83-2024 - Being a By-law for the Imposition of Development Charges and to Repeal By-law 4023 (2018) and amending By-laws 4149 (2019), 4314 (2021), and 4431 (2022).
Lincoln Pelham Public Library Fonthill Branch Renovations
Council received Report 2024-0283-Fonthill Branch Library Renovation for information and requested to defer the decision of the Fonthill Branch Library renovation. Council further directed Town staff to consult with the Lincoln Pelham Public Library Board for a more thorough understanding of priorities and requests at various price points and return to council with a follow-up report.
2025 Town of Pelham Capital and Operating Budget
Council approved the 2025 Capital Budget as amended. The Capital budget included red-circled items to be considered for future grant opportunities and includes the amended motions from the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 18, 2024. Council also approved the 2025 Operating Budget as recommended from the Committee of the Whole meeting on November 27, 2024.
Town of Pelham Community Mural
Council receive Report #2024-0247 - Ontario Arts Council Mural Report, for information. In June 2024, the Town of Pelham was successful in securing funding from the Ontario Arts Council to support the development a heritage-themed collaborative art project. Multiple opportunities throughout the Christmas in Pelham events will be provided for residents to participate in the mural painting process through the paint-by-number panels. This heritage/agriculture-themed mural project offers a unique opportunity for the residents of Pelham to engage in the creation of public art that reflects the community’s history and values. Town staff have selected the north-facing exterior wall of the municipal building at 20 Pelham Town Square in Fonthill as the site for the mural installation.
Deputy Mayor Selection
Town of Pelham Council, through nomination and secret ballot, selected Councillor Eckhardt for the position of Deputy Mayor. Eckhardt will serve in the position for the next two years beginning January 9, 2025.
Administrative Penalty By-law: 2024 Schedule “A” Update
Council received Report # 2024-0277 Administrative Penalty By-law 2024 Schedule “A” Update, for information and approved the proposed updated Schedule “A” to By-law No. 68-2023, being the Administrative Penalty Process By-law for Non-Parking By-laws. Council directed staff to prepare a by-law to amend By-law No. 68- 2023 to be finalized and presented to Council for consideration at the next regular meeting of Council.
Emergency Pelham Street Sanitary Spot Repairs Between Church Hill and Highway 20 East
Council received Report #2024-0272 – Pelham Street Sanitary Spot Repairs Between Church Hill and Highway 20 East, for information and approved an estimated budget of $100,000.00 funded from the Wastewater Reserve to complete the Emergency Repairs Sanitary Spot Repairs Between Church Hill and Highway 20 East project. Council approved the immediate procurement of goods and services for the emergency repair.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Leah Letford, Communications Specialist | 905-980-6653 |
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