View the full agenda package for Council
The Town of Pelham regular council meeting was held on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at the Pelham municipal building at 20 Pelham Town Hall. Video recording and live stream of the meeting can be viewed at
Ontario Senior of the Year Award
The Town of Pelham, on behalf of the Minister of Seniors and Accessibility, presented a 2024 Ontario Senior of the Year Award to Jake Dilts. Mr. Dilts’ impact on the community has ranged from volunteering with the Welland Flying Club, supporting the 87th Air Cadet Squadron, being an active member of the Fonthill Lions Club, serving previously on multiple Town boards and committees, as well as being a dedicated and proud member of the Fonthill Legion. With an obvious passion for serving his community, Mr. Dilts has made significant impacts that have continued to improve the lives of Pelham’s residents.
Pelham Fire Department Rescue 1
During a brief recess from the Council Meeting, councillors were invited outside to view the newly acquired Town of Pelham fire department Rescue 1 vehicle, which is now in service. The 2023 Ford F-550, with customizations including a mini-rescue aluminum body, SCBA storage, tool storage, and console, replaced the previous 2004 Ford F-550, which will be repurposed for use by the Town of Pelham Public Works Department.
Non-Core Asset Management Plan
Council received a presentation on the Town of Pelham Non-Core Asset Management Plan from Derek Young, C.Tech., CRS, RCSI, AMP Manager of Engineering for Pelham. Council received Report #2024-0146 Asset Management Plan for Non-Core Assets and endorsed the Town of Pelham Non-core Asset Management Plan. The non-core asset management plan is designed to ensure that the Town is well-positioned for current and future grant programs and regulations, by meeting the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure Building Together Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans. In addition, the non-core AMP establishes a baseline of current Asset Management practices to inform a work plan for continually improving Asset Management and will allow for more accurately quantifying the deficit and investment gap for Non-Core Assets. The AMP describes the characteristics and conditions of non-core assets, the level of service (LOS) expected from them, planned actions to ensure the assets are providing the expected LOS and financing strategies to implement the planned actions. The non-core assets inventory includes facilities, fire fleet, information technology, sidewalks, road signs, streetlights and parks and trails.
Greenbelt Area Natural Asset Management Plan
The natural asset survey focuses on Greenbelt areas within Pelham, providing a guide for the Town of Pelham to value and account for natural assets in both financial planning and asset management programs. The project was approved in 2023 as #PLN 02-23 and was supported with a grant from the Greenbelt Foundation and undertaken in partnership with the Natural Asset Initiative Group. The plan itself is intended to identify natural assets in the Town of Pelham. Once identified, the Town of Pelham will be able to move forward with protecting and managing these sites in a holistic, evidence-based manner as part of the Town's asset management plans. The plan will support priorities identified in the Town of Pelham strategic plan. The Town of Pelham is the first municipality in the Niagara Region to develop such a plan and one of only a few across the entire country. More information on the plan can be viewed at
2023 Reserve and Reserve Fund Report
Council received Report #2024-0107 2023 Reserve and Reserve Fund Report. While there are no specific financial decisions related to the report, the report provides Council with financial information regarding reserve and reserve fund balances and the cash position of the Town to assist Council with financial decision-making. Maintaining a healthy balance in the Town’s reserves will ensure that the Town can meet its capital financial plans and have the flexibility to respond to unplanned financial events. The 2023 Annual Treasurer’s Statement of Reserve Funds for Development Charges and the 2023 Annual Treasurer’s Parkland Dedication Reserve Fund Statement are available to the public upon request. More information on the Town of Pelham’s budget and financial position can be found at
Niagara Region Transit (NRT) On-Demand Update
Councillor Olson provided a presentation regarding the Niagara Region Transit detailing the improvements to on-demand and specialized services. Detailed in the presentation included the new access highlights for Pelham, which included inter-municipal service permitting trips from any origin to any destination in Niagara West as well as a specialized transit service that will transport eligible riders from any origin to any destination. Niagara Region Transit information can be viewed at
Rehabilitation and Replacement Options for Fire Station #1
Council received Report #2024-0119 and directed staff to proceed with the project moving forward as a demolition and rebuild of the station. The current 42-year-old Pelham Fire Station #1 is approximately 790m2 (8,500ft2 ) in area that contains a garage area utilized for firefighting apparatus and bunker gear storage, a training room/banquet hall, offices, storage areas, a lounge, 2 washrooms containing a small shower in each, and a kitchen. The need for an additional apparatus bay at Fire Station 1 to accommodate the anticipated growth in East Fonthill was first identified in a 2013 Development Charge Background Study. During the initial discussions regarding the expansion and rehabilitation project, it was noted that several changes have been made to the Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to increase protections for first responders, including firefighters, and the facilities in which they are assigned. Several additional deficiencies at the current station include the need for increased office space and a public lobby area, as well as a lack of compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The Town of Pelham received the completed feasibility study at the June 19th meeting, prepared by Raimondo and Associates Inc which provided concepts and cost estimates for the future of Station #1.
Merritt Road Rehabilitation between Line Avenue and Rice Road
Council received Report #2024-0142, Merritt Road Rehabilitation between Line Avenue and Rice Road, and awarded the capital repairs to Merritt Road between Line Ave and Rice Road to Circle P Paving in the amount of $107,415.00 and directed staff to fund the capital repairs to Merritt Road using $107,415 from the general contingency for the Quaker Road Reconstruction project. The rehabilitation will include repairs to fix the shoulders with Hot Mix Asphalt and apply a Surface Treatment Layer as a wearing course. These processes would increase the service life of the road by approximately 5 to 6 year as it is anticipated that Merritt Road extension between Rice Road and Cataract Road will be completed in the next 5 to 6 years by Niagara Region. In addition, Town staff are planning for the reconstruction of Merritt Road between Pelham Street and Rice Road in 2028/2029.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Leah Letford, Communications Specialist | 905-980-6653 |
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